Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
To Christ aloud we sing tonight
The eve of all that will come right
To Christ alone, we sing
To Christ the union and the bride
The feminine in male disguise
To Christ alone, we sing
To Christ who leads us through the dark
Who is in us the human spark
To Christ alone, we sing
To Christ who bids us each to come
And with Creation stand as one
To Christ alone, we sing
To Christ the strength of creatures vast
The broaching whale, the eagle’s heart
To Christ alone, we sing
To Christ the power of wind and wave
Whose healing hand alone can save
To Christ alone, we sing
To Christ who’s tender when we fall
Who is the birth of hope in all
To Christ alone, we sing
Vs 1, To Christ aloud we sing tonight, The eve of all that will come right, To Christ alone, we sing. One still night at Deep Song I woke with these words being sung by a celestial choir within my soul. What I heard became the first verse of this poem. They were hopeful words. I wrote six further verses. Psychologically and spiritually Christmas is a winter’s solstice celebration; the dark night passes and the light returns. Verse 1 reflects the hope of returning light, of; ‘all that will come right.’
Vs 2, ‘The feminine in male disguise’. The unconditioned light that rises in the human heart can be experienced as either feminine or masculine (or neither, or androgynous). Historically in the Christian Church, ‘Christ’ is seen as masculine, so the potential for the birth of the feminine Christ within women (and men) has been ‘disguised.’
Vs 3, ‘Who is in us the human spark.’ The inner Christ is the angel (or archetype) of humanity. The journey of self-realisation is about awakening and connecting with the Christ/Self.
Vs 4, The Christ/Self is one with Creation and manifests through Nature. ‘The Christ/Self is the essence of every living thing.’
Vs 6, ‘Whose transforming power alone can save’. The Inner Christ ‘saves’ by releasing regenerative power within the soul. This creates a deeply humanising and empowering transformation. ‘The Christ/Self is a healer and an instrument of healers.’
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