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After the vertical scramble up the ridge above Sam’s Creek
The Spirit of Sam’s speaks and it’s not the voice of stillness

But active and stroppy and it’s the voice of two inquisitive kea
Sitting high in a tree – above the predator-proof fence, built

By local trampers – and I watch these two beauty-fulls   
Cock, cocking their heads while they give me their cheeky

Once over, before squawk, squawking the Word of Sam’s Creek
Warning of destroyers drawing close, closer with their plans

Of giant drills grinding their way through the bones of the earth
Turning the whenua into dust and arsenic poison

Which they will then pass through a sludge of cyanide venom
To extract microscopic gold trails to store underground forever –

And the Word of the Creek breaks my heart and I retch, retch
With shock, revulsion, and horror as I feel the duplicity

Of the destroyers who are blinded by greed and collective evil
Which they normalise and peddle as trendy business plans

While the two wise parrots cock heads and hop, hop ever closer
Squawk; ‘Barron flat, Barron flat they will attack from Barron flat’


Barron Flat: Siren Gold has announced plans to drill tunnels from Barron Flat in the Cobb Valley into the Sam’s Creek area to extract arsenic-bearing ore.

Whenua: the land

Destroyers: collective systems, motivated by greed that destroy the Earth for profit

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