I was born as a Coaster with bush in my blood
With river and mountain and earthquake and flood
And I’ll die as a Coaster, though I’m drifting far north
Where Pupu’s dark beauty calls me to the Source
And I stand with the people of Mohua true
As they raise up their fingers to a woman named Pugh
And I guess she’s still burning in the Government’s sin
From the welcome she got when the jury came in
From the people of Tākaka who saw through her crap
And Siren’s prospectus with its guile and its traps
For arsenic’s a poison that murderers use
And the locals don’t want it as they scream out the blues
Keep your crap from our waters, our roads and our air
Our families, our children our valley so fair
So sod off you fast track, with your greed and deceit
For the people see through you, they’re out on the streets
I was born in Moana on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand
Maureen Pugh, National Party MP for the West Coast Tasman area. Maureen Paugh got a hostile reaction from members of the group who hoped to speak with her about a massive gold mine that is likely to affect Te Waikoropupu Springs and their drinking water. The crowd’s reaction was understandable as she got in her car refusing to talk with them.
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