In drumbeats of rain, I rally to you; Te Waikoropupū
You, who are an ancient power; stable, wise, just, sympathetic
& pregnant with the foresight I need; to step beyond
These tears of Ranginui to embrace my Original Life
Who is also called Eden and Africa, and calls me
To step beyond the snares and tares of egoic consciousness
To join the upwelling of the daughters and sons of Waikoropupū
As they rise in solidarity with your power, clarity, and beauty
(Which is forever beyond the ego’s flawed constructions)
& sets us free from the paralysis falling upon humanity
Like the curse of Cain, for having slain our brothers and sisters;
The creatures, trees, plants, oceans and eco-systems
Of the earth; who fall increasingly silent about us
While your seeds slowly circle, singing songs of resistance
That summons us to our unknown destination among the sons
& daughters of the Earth; may each seed sing true, Waikoropupū
‘You, who are…’ ‘She’s an ancient power, stable, wise, just, sympathetic, joyous and with foresight’ (‘She’ being Sophia: The beauty, power and wisdom of the Sacred Feminine) from The Sayings of Humanity.
‘The tears of Ranginui:’ In Maori mythology, Ranginui is the sky father.
‘My Original Life:’ i.e. the Self, who is our Origin, who dwells not in the past, but in the eternal present.
‘Who is also called Eden and Africa:’ The Self, is called Eden and Africa, because, like Eden and Africa, the Self is our birthing place.
‘Like the curse of Cain for having slain…’ In the Book of Genesis, Cain falls under the curse of Yahweh for murdering his brother Able. It seems humanity falls under a similar curse as our very existence is threatened by the present calamitous extinction event originating in the ongoing greed and shortsightedness of humanity.
‘Yet, your seeds, sown deep in my sleep:’ The Sayings of Humanity are seeds sown by the Self.
The last couplet of the sonnet is influenced by the saying: ‘I would be more than happy to see the demise of what is: and its replacement by small groups of shamanic communities fulfilling the destiny of humanity.’ The Self’s priority is not that humanity survives in its present form, but that it evolves to fulfil its evolutionary destiny. ‘Shamanic communities’ are communities which connect with the powers of the earth and work alongside them.
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